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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Your Ad Here You can browse with MTN on Phone Default Browser, Opera Mini and Your-Freedom (i.e. PC) using a new IP and port number.Let's work on phone first Go to your phone Setting and locate Configuration. Check on Personal Configuration. Select MTN
(if it's there) or create New Profile by clicking Option. In the Account Name, type MTN WAP; Homepage, type http://wap.google.com or any website you want to browse on. After typing, click OK. Username is: web; Password: web.
In the User Preferred Access Point, select NO. Access Point: click OK. Proxy: select Enable. Proxy
Address: type Proxy Port: 53. Data Barrier: select Packet Data. Then Barrier Setting: select OK. Access Point: type web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net and click OK. Network Type: select IPV4. Authentication: select NORMAL. Username: web and Password:web. With your phone default browser, you can browse totally FREE.For Opera Mini browsers, then, go to http://www.operamini.com/ and download Opera Mini software into your phone. Since the default browser is FREE, OperaMini will equally browse FRERE. For YOUR-Freedom Server software, click on Configure, Proxy Settings and then type: as Proxy Address and 53 as Port number. More so, click on Server Connection and remove the MTN trick I gave you. Now, use normal address like: ems19.your-freedom.de and click on Save and Exit.Click on Start Connection and browse totally FREE. NB: The proxy address and port number above is owned by a foreign firm. It can be blacklisted or stopped by the owner. When that happens, you will not be able to use those codes. However, you can enjoy it for weeks or months. Your Ad Here

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Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot, you are toooooo much, but is d connection mode https or udp